There is certainly an opportunity to gain financial benefit
through advertising on Craigslist. Advertisements of products and services are
free on Craigslist making it cost effective for your ad budget. Additionally,
Craigslist already receives extensive traffic with approximately ten million
visitors generating four billion page views each month so there is no need to
drive traffic to the website. While Craigslist offers so many advertising
benefits, these benefits may be wasted if the advertiser does not do his
research or evaluate the competition.
Research before Posting on Craigslist
Advertising on Craigslist is similar to advertising in other
forms of media. Despite the existing heavy traffic flows to the website,
successful marketing campaigns require extensive research. This research should
provide the Internet marketer and his staff with insight into where post the
advertisements to most effectively reach the target audience, how to word the
copy of the advertisement to make it most appealing to the target audience and
which relevant keywords should be included in the advertising copy to make it
likely for members of the target audience to find the advertisement easily when
searching for products and services offered by the company.
Research of this capacity can be conducted either online or
offline. One of the most effective forms of this type of research is to have
members of the target audience fill out market surveys. The answers provided by
the participants should give the marketer a good idea of what the target
audience is seeking. Incorporating this information into the marketing campaign
can make it noticeably more successful.
Evaluate the Competition on Craigslist
The search feature on Craigslist gives an Internet marketer
an excellent way to evaluate the competition. Studying the competition is
important because it can help you to learn how you can be more successful. This
increased success can be a result of determining successful aspects of the
competitor’s marketing strategy and implementing these strategies as well as
determining faulty aspects of the competitor’s marketing strategy and avoiding
these strategies.
To get a good idea of the competitors who are advertising on
Craigslist, use the search feature to search for keywords relevant to your own
products and services. You will likely receive search results including
advertisements from competitors. Next, carefully analyze these advertisements
to determine how you can, not only create a better product/ service at more
affordable prices but you may also write more engaging advertising copy. Many
wise internet marketers have the reasoning skills necessary to properly analyze
the advertisements for competitors but they often falter when taxed with the
dilemma of creating better advertisements. This is when the services of a
professional sales copywriter with search engine optimization (SEO) skills can
be a vital part of the equation. A professional copywriter can use SEO skills and
know how of writing advertising copy to effectively entice your target audience
to either purchase or at least investigate your product/services further.
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